老师,你好~在CCP中,auction, variation margin haircutting, selective tear-up of position这三个在waterfall处于什么位置呢?为什么在图中的表格中没有显示出来?谢谢。
Capital conservation buffers have been established by the Basel Committee as part of measures designed to ensure that banks have enough capital to handle stress situations. Assuming no regulatory add-ons have been imposed, which of the following is correct? 请问此题为什么说是0 CB?有100% constraint on capital distribution? 这是怎么判断的,谢谢。
已回答The risk management department at Southern Essex Bank is trying to assess the impact of the capital conservation and countercyclical buffers defined in the Basel III framework. They consider a scenario in which the bank’s capital and risk-weighted assets are as shown in the table below (all values are in EUR millions): Risk-weighted assets 3,110 Common equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital 230 Additional Tier 1 capital 34 Total Tier 1 capital 264 Tier 2 capital 81 Tier 3 capital - Total capital 345 Assuming that all Basel III phase-ins have occurred and that the bank’s required countercyclical buffer is 0.75%, which of the capital ratios does the bank satisfy? 请问此题若是满足CB,则capital conservation buffer应达到345/3110对么?谢谢
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