老师好,这道题的解析没有看懂。可否麻烦具体讲解一下,谢谢。 BNP Paribas has just entered into a plain-vanilla interest-rate swap as a pay-fixed counterparty. Credit Agricole is the receive-fixed counterparty in the same swap. The forward spot curve is upward-sloping. If LIBOR starts trending down and the forward spot curve flattens, the credit risk from the swap will: A Increase only for BNP Paribas B Increase only for Credit Agricole C Decrease for both BNP Paribas and Credit Agricole D Increase for both BNP Paribas and Credit Agricole
查看试题 已回答老师好,能具体解释一下WCL的计算逻辑吗? Consider a portfolio with a notional value of $5,000,000 containing 50 credits. Each one has a same PD of 2% and LGD of 1. Each one is an obligation from the same obligor so that the default correlation is 1. What is the Credit VaR at the 99% confidence level?
查看试题 已回答老师好。 这道题的答案是用连续复利计算的。请问何时用连续复利,何时可以用(1 年收益率)的n 次方计算呢? A bond with a face value of 350 matures in 10 years and is calculated to be worth 180 using the Merton model. The risk-free rate is 5.5%. What is the bond’s spread? A 1.15%. B 1.75%. C 3.55%. D 6.65%.
查看试题 已回答老师好,请问这道题,违约相关系数是0和是1,计算上有什么区别? Suppose there is a $1,000,000 portfolio with n credits that each have a default probability, π = 2% and a zero recovery rate. The default correlation is 0 and n = 1,000. There is a probability of 28 defaults at the 95th percentile based on the binomial distribution with the parameters of n = 1,000 and π = 0.02. What is the credit VaR at the 95% confidence level based on these parameters?
查看试题 已回答精品问答
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