Matcha2020-03-05 23:07:48
老师好,这道题的解析没有看懂。可否麻烦具体讲解一下,谢谢。 BNP Paribas has just entered into a plain-vanilla interest-rate swap as a pay-fixed counterparty. Credit Agricole is the receive-fixed counterparty in the same swap. The forward spot curve is upward-sloping. If LIBOR starts trending down and the forward spot curve flattens, the credit risk from the swap will: A Increase only for BNP Paribas B Increase only for Credit Agricole C Decrease for both BNP Paribas and Credit Agricole D Increase for both BNP Paribas and Credit Agricole
Cindy2020-03-06 18:00:42
同学你好,这道题考察的是浮动与固定利率之间的互换,BNP Paribas 支付固定利率,pay-fixed.接受浮动利率。而 Credit Agricole接受固定利率,receive-fixed,支付浮动利率,现在市场的大环境是利率下降。即 LIBOR starts trending down ,那么对于支付浮动利率的一方,是有好处的,即这个对Credit Agricole是有好处的,对于接受浮动利率的一方,是有亏损的,即对BNP Paribas是有坏处的,谁赚钱谁就面临着信用风险,因此是Credit Agricole是面临信用风险的
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