不理解为何是the basis-point volatility of the short rate ? A risk manager is constructing a term structure model and intends to use the Cox-Ingersoll-Roll Model. Which of the following describes this model? A The model presumes that the volatility of the short rate will increase at a predetermined rate. B The model presumes that the volatility of the short rate will decline exponentially to a constant level. C The model presumes that the basis-point volatility of the short rate will be proportional to the rate. D The model presumes that the basis-point volatility of the short rate will be proportional to the square root of the rate.
查看试题 已回答B为什么不对,久期不能理解为平均到期时间吗? n fixed income portfolio mapping, when the risk factors have been selected, which of the following mapping approaches requires that one risk factor be chosen that corresponds to average portfolio maturity? A Principal mapping B Duration mapping C Convexity mapping D Cash mapping
查看试题 已回答请问,“The counterparty’s expected potential exposure (EPE) is 7%”是指从我的角度看交易对手,他带给我的风险平均敞口是7%?谢谢?为什么不是交易对手面临的风险平均敞口是7%呢?
查看试题 已回答d选项不理解。delta-normal方式计算var,为什么需要均值和标准差? Which of the following is not a required step in determining VaR for a fixed-income portfolio? A Determine the changes in the values of the market factors. B Decompose and map the portfolio. C Regress the portfolio value changes against those of an identical hypothetical portfolio to determine the appropriate market factors. D Compute the mean and standard deviation of the changes in the portfolio value.
查看试题 已回答精品问答
- 请问selection bias 与 self-selection bias 有什么区别?我看到一个老师回复的是:不同个体选择样本不同,这就是自选择偏差,是不同个体本身固有的差异。请问这里的不同个体是指不同的人吗?
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- 能解释一下这道题吗?
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