怎么理解The sum of the variances of the PCs equals the sum of the variances of the individual rates 这句话?
已回答老师信用风险122页这一段Another difficulty with the Merton model is that default is too predictable. Remember that to obtain prices of debt in that model, we make the Black Scholes assumptions. We know that with these assumptions firm value cannot jump. As a result, default cannot occur unless firm value is infinitesimally close to the point where default occurs. In the real world, default is often more surprising. For instance, a run on a bank could make its equity worthless even though before the run its equity value was not close to zero.没太看懂能讲一下吗?谢谢
老师书上第121页,One way Panel B Debt value .... 42 40 10 Maturity -I 0.2 is to compute the delta-VaR by transforming the risky debt into a portfolio of the risk-free bond and of the debtor's equity if we are computing a VaR for a short period of time. A second way is to compute the Monte Carlo VaR by simulating equity returns and valuing 0.1 Interest rate volatility the debt for these equity returns. If the firm has other assets, we must consider the correlations among the asset returns.这段说计算var 其中一种把deltavar 看作无风险债务和债权人的权益来计算,第二种通过模拟股票回报率来计算,就没看懂,能解释一下吗
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