if individual securities are affected by an assumption or forecast that persists through multiple rebalancing periods, then breadth will be lower, reducing the information ratio and thus the expected active return. 老师您请解释这是为什么?
已解决The information ratio is a measure of relative expected or realized reward to risk, whereas the Sharpe ratio measures the absolute risk–return trade-off of a portfolio. 老师您好,我想问一下为什么夏普比率是绝对的?
已解决原版书课后题 Reading 10,Q12 Because the value of the Durbin–Watson statistic is less than 2, we can say that the regression residuals are positively correlated. Because this statistic is fairly close to 2, however, we cannot say without a statistical test if the serial correlation is statistically significant。 r=0,DW=2,怎么是相关呢?
- CDS的long和short是不是反过来的?就是long CDS代表看涨目标公司credit,所以是卖出一份CDS合约?
- 为啥accrued interest over contract life是0?
- 老師您好,Q1關於future price不太理解
- 这个1.0028的单位是什么 老师说“每一块钱SF的现值” 如果是*1.12 就是期初先 euro 转 sf 然后 期末再 /1.1 就是 sf 转 euro ?
- 第六题,视频老师说,对于汇率都是先除老汇率再乘新汇率,不应该吧,对于这个客户而言,因为“paying €1 million at inception.“得出该客户是未来每期是收欧元利息和欧元本金,支瑞士法郎利息和本金。所以期初是每一欧元换1.12瑞士法郎用的是乘呀,估值时的汇率1.1用除。老师帮忙看看逻辑正确不?
- 请问FRA是在1时刻借到钱(面值),2时刻还钱(面值),然后1时刻settle赚的/亏的interest rate吗,然后这个settle的部分是要discount之后结算的? 然后option是在1时刻直接settle不需要discount?
- 很迷惑到底是long call+ short stock还是long stock+short call构建无风险资产
- 这道题可不可以用算出来的fpa除以0.9算出的价格和125比较,得出的差额是套利的利润?