老师您好 ! Reading24中的150页exhibit16中的21900是怎么算出来的? Yield curve change中的5bp变化,为什么计算中用0.05?为什么不是0.0005?
老师您好! 讲义次页做后两行的公式该怎么理解? 1、为什么要par amount 乘以partial PVBP ? 2、为什么要乘以100?因为我的理解是partial PVBP本身就是per100呀?应该除以100才对吧?为什么不除以100? 感谢!
Money duration can be stated per 100 of par value or in terms of the bond’s actual position size in the portfolio. (Institute 132) Institute, CFA. 2019 CFA Program Curriculum Level III Volume 4. CFA Institute, 5/2018. VitalBook file. 老师您好! 教材中的这句话该怎么理解? 如果par value是6000,price是6100,modified duration是8,那此处的per 100的money duration怎么计算呢? 非常感谢!
已回答A closely related risk measure is the present value of a basis point (PVBP), also called the PV01 (present value of an “01”, meaning 1 bp) and, in North America, the DV01 (dollar value of an “01”). (Institute 66) Institute, CFA. 2019 CFA Program Curriculum Level III Volume 4. CFA Institute, 5/2018. VitalBook file. 老师您好! 请问教材中这句话如何理解?为啥是closely?***老师说PVBP就是BPV呀? 如果这两个有区别,区别在哪里?能否用公式给演示一下? 非常感谢!
已回答Predicted change = Portfolio par amount × Partial PVBP × (–Curve shift) (Institute 164) Institute, CFA. 2019 CFA Program Curriculum Level III Volume 4. CFA Institute, 5/2018. VitalBook file. 老师您好! 请问课本这个公式怎么理解? 同样是Money duration,为什么课本前面给出的公式是Modified duration乘以price 而此处的公式用上了par amount?
已回答老师您好,我看视频时记的笔记上写,direct investment 比 indirect investment 的分散化效果更好,但PPT没查到,为什么呢?direct investment要做到分散化不是更难吗?谢谢。
已解决Note that the sum of the partial PVBPs closely approximates the money duration of the portfolio (= Effective duration × Portfolio value per $1 of par) divided by 100. For Portfolio 1, this equals [5.834 × (60,503/60,000)]/100 = 0.0588. (Institute 149) Institute, CFA. 2019 CFA Program Curriculum Level III Volume 4. CFA Institute, 5/2018. VitalBook file. 老师您好! 固定收益教材reading24中的这句话该怎么理解? 为什么要除以60000? partial PVBP到底该如果理解?公式是什么呀? 谢谢老师!
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