Money weighted rate of return (MWR) is the internal rate of return over the period and is affected by the size and timing of cash flows. Assumes the same return over each sub-period.为啥是内部收益率?内部收益率(Internal Rate of Return (IRR)),就是资金流入现值总额与资金流出现值总额相等、净现值等于零时的折现率。这句定义与这里算的IRR之间的关系怎么解释?麻烦老师详细解答一下,谢谢
已回答For a given levels of Macaulay duration and cash flow yield(这里久期有要求相等我理解,但跟cash flow yield有啥关系呢?), smaller convexity is preferable to minimize structural risk. Minimizing convexity is the same as minimizing dispersion when considering portfolios with similar Macaulay durations and cash flow yields. Reducing a portfolio’s dispersion reduces its structural risk – the risk that yield curve twists and non-parallel shifts create duration gaps between the immunization portfolio and the liability outflow.(这里的duration gap是什么?为什么非平行移动产生了duration gap?)麻烦老师解答一下哈
已回答老师您好,我想请教一下:比如说 XX-delta call or put ,ATM=50-delta,只要是小于50,不管是call 和put 都是OTM?而大于50到100之间的是ITM option 吗?为什么?谢谢您。
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