基础课后面的一道题,The value of a bond at a particular node, in this case Node 1–2, can be derived by working backwards from the two nodes to the right of that node on the tree. In this case, those two nodes are the middle node in Year 2, equal to 101.5168, and the lower node in Year 2, equal to 102.135. The coupon payment is 2.5. The bond value at Node 1–2 is calculated as follows: Value = [2.5+(0.5 × 101.5816 + 0.5 × 102.135)]/1.014925 = 102.7917 答案中的101.5168和102.135是怎么算出来的?为什么不是后面的104.0168和104.6350.或者把第一年的104.2876和这个NODE1-2用1.25%折现回0时点,等于103.4960.
- CDS的long和short是不是反过来的?就是long CDS代表看涨目标公司credit,所以是卖出一份CDS合约?
- 很迷惑到底是long call+ short stock还是long stock+short call构建无风险资产
- 为啥accrued interest over contract life是0?
- 这道题可不可以用算出来的fpa除以0.9算出的价格和125比较,得出的差额是套利的利润?
- 老師您好,Q1關於future price不太理解
- 不太明白为什么AI0 20 加上后 后面AIT 是减50, 为什么要重复计算0~T=2 这段的coupon?
- 这个1.0028的单位是什么 老师说“每一块钱SF的现值” 如果是*1.12 就是期初先 euro 转 sf 然后 期末再 /1.1 就是 sf 转 euro ?
- 第4题 讲义没有讲到,能在详细讲一下吗