Matcha2020-03-03 08:45:36
不理解为何是the basis-point volatility of the short rate ? A risk manager is constructing a term structure model and intends to use the Cox-Ingersoll-Roll Model. Which of the following describes this model? A The model presumes that the volatility of the short rate will increase at a predetermined rate. B The model presumes that the volatility of the short rate will decline exponentially to a constant level. C The model presumes that the basis-point volatility of the short rate will be proportional to the rate. D The model presumes that the basis-point volatility of the short rate will be proportional to the square root of the rate.
Cindy2020-03-03 17:25:07
同学你好,在CIR模型中,σ参数固定,但基点波动率(basis-point volatility)不固定。年化的基点波动率等于σ√r。
σ√r意味着如果当前利率水平比较高时,波动率比较大。当利率比较小时,波动率也比较小。波动率与利率呈现正相关相对是一个比较合理的假设。这里注意"d" r的年化标准差与利率的平方根呈比例变动。
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