An investor has 60 percent of his $500,000 portfolio in Value fund and the remaining in Growth fund. The correlation of returns of the two funds is –0.20. Based on the information below, what is the portfolio’s VAR at a 5 percent probability level? Fund E(R) σ Value 12% 14.0% Growth 16% 20.0% 老师您好!为什么不能分别求VaR1和VaR2再用dollar形式求VaRp?我算完了与B选项相近,但不太一样?这个与解析中的方法相差很大。
查看试题 已回答An investor holds a portfolio of two long assets X and Y, valued recently at USD 85 million and USD 112 million, respectively. The 1-year probability of default for assets X and Y is 12% and 14%, and the joint probability of default is 4.5%. The loss given default for both assets is 45%.Calculate the estimated expected loss on the investor’s portfolio due to credit defaults over the next year. 老师您好!为什么第一种方法ELp=EL1+EL2不需要减去交叉部分?我认为还是有重复的部分啊,就比如1,2两个组合都买了同一只债券,那这只债券的损失就算了两次。
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