Following Grinold’s fundamental law of active management, one should find: A A small number of investment bets increases the expected investment performance. B To maximize the information ratio, active investors need to either have high- quality predictions. C To maximize the information ratio, he shouldn’t place a large number of investment bets in a given year. D Investors should focus on increasing only their predictive ability relative to stock price movements. 选项a和c,都是少预测,为什么a对,c不对? b选项,说neet高质量的预测,为什么不对?
查看试题 已回答再一次遇到一个上课完全没有涉及的知识点,希望答疑老师能够详细的说一下这个指标 1. Basel几提出的?后来有没有被修正过或者移除? 2. 定义和公式 3. interval是多少,horizon是多少,Confidence Interval是多少? 如果有别的遗漏的也希望老师补充。
查看试题 已回答All of the following could help to reduce the credit exposure on a set of derivative transactions except: A daily mark-to-market of transactions B netting agreements with the counterparty C collateral and other credit enhancements D early termination agreements 老师,您好,我错选了C,因为haircut越大,exposure越小,那么信用增级了,haircut变小了,exposure变大了,哪里理解的不对。 另外,D选项,我们之前的break clause 是减小敞口的一种技术,D说的不就是这个技术吗?
查看试题 已回答Bank A, which is AAA rated, trades a 5-year interest rate swap (semi-annual payments) with Bank B, which is rated BBB. Because of Bank B's poor credit rating, Bank A is concerned about the 5-year exposure it is going to run because of the swap deal. Which of the following measures help mitigate Bank A's credit exposure to Bank B? Ⅰ.Negotiate a CSA with Bank B and efficiently manage the collateral management system Ⅱ.Execute the swap deal as a reset swap wherein the swap will be marked to market every six months Ⅲ.Execute the swap deal with a break clause in the third year Ⅳ.Decrease the frequency of coupon payments from semi-annual to annual 老师,是A付coupon给B吧?那减少付款频率,不是降低exposure,为什么第四个不对呢
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