老师您好,这道题中,感觉B和C都说的不是太对。虽然这题答案是选了C。这题是不是有点小问题?题目解析中提到的是:The margin adjustments are made based on the settlement price, which is calculated as the average trade price over a specific closing period at the end of the trading day. The length of the closing period is set by the exchange。谢谢。
Consider a 7% semiannual coupon bond with a par value of $100 and four remaining coupons, which is trading at a yield of 8%. There are 90 days remaining in the current period that has a total of 180 days. The accrued coupon of this bond is closest to: A 1.59 B 1.88 C 2.18 D 2.57 怎么算出答案B的,不是1.75吗? 谢谢
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