还有这个题目,如果他的believes后面给出的仅仅只是一个置信区间,那么145页那道题目就不应该选择ACCEPT. 这几个题目长得都一样,但是答案选择不一样,烦请老师释疑. Based upon 60 monthly returns, you estimate an actively managed portfolio alpha of 1.28% and a standard error of alpha of 0.1365%. The portfolio manager wants to get due credit for producing positive alpha and believes that the probability of observing such a large alpha by chance is only 1%. Calculate the t-statistic, and state whether you would accept or reject the claim made by the portfolio manager based on the estimated t-value. A t-statistic: 9.377; Conclusion: Accept B t-statistic: 9.377; Conclusion: Reject
查看试题 已回答就是这个题目, Based on 60 monthly returns, you estimate an actively managed portfolio alpha = 1.24% and standard error of alpha = 0.1278%. The portfolio manager wants to get due credit for producing positive alpha and believes that the probability of observing such a large alpha by chance is only 1%. Calculate the t-statistic, and based on the estimated t-value would you accept (or reject) the claim made by the portfolio manager. A t = 9.70, accept
查看试题 已回答精品问答
- 请问selection bias 与 self-selection bias 有什么区别?我看到一个老师回复的是:不同个体选择样本不同,这就是自选择偏差,是不同个体本身固有的差异。请问这里的不同个体是指不同的人吗?
- 请问,求组合标准差需要乘以权重,但是组合var,不需要权重,想不明白?麻烦仔细讲下
- 这里的cash 中性是只需要CAPM中的benchmark=0?还是这个benchmark怎么样?什么叫阿尔法不会产生active cash position?CAPM中阿尔法并不在基准中啊?
- 老师,这里benchmark的中性化,三个回归是什么逻辑?
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- 老师,收益率的波动率(yield volatility)和基点波动率(basic volatility)能给讲一下么?尤其是前面的,后面的基点波动率我记得是公式dw前面的
- 能解释一下这道题吗?
- 这里severity modeling,对应GEV的fattail分布不是Frechet么,这里写的Weibull是瘦尾吧。