老师好,课后题多次涉及查表的问题,包括z-table t-table,f-table,chi等等。请问能否提供这几张表的电子表,供我们练习呢?目前手上资料里面都没有这几张表,不知道实践中如何查询。谢谢!
查看试题 已回答An analyst is studying a stock that is currently trading at $35. The analyst estimates that there is 33% probability that the stock will trade at $50 after one year, a 20% probability that the stock will trade at $42, and a 47% probability that the stock will trade at $20. What is the volatility of this stock return? A 15% B 26% C 36% D 39% 这道题可以用ln(y1/y2)来算收益么
查看试题 已回答请问:这个题在计算债券违约概率时(分母),如果考虑会有三种情况,B违约c不违约,B不违约C违约,BC都违约,在考虑分子B违约的概率就是两种情况,B违约C不违约和BC都违约,这么考虑的误区在哪儿呀?
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