官网有个题目, Royappa suggests that the macroeconomic model with supply-side analysis using the Ibbotson–Chen format provides a better estimate for BTP’s risk premium. 公式是: [(1 + EINFL)(1 + EGREPS)(1 + EGPE) − 1] + EINC − Expected risk-free rate 请问Ibbotson–Chen format这个考点哪里? 谢谢 题目是官网的练习题.
已解决老师您好, 这个观点: "Compared with the geometric mean return, the arithmetic mean return is consistent with the assumptions of single period models, such as the CAPM." 答案的解释是: The arithmetic mean return as the average one-period return best represents the mean return in a single period. The major finance models for estimating required return—in particular the CAPM and multifactor models—are single-period models, so the arithmetic mean, with its focus on single-period returns, appears to be a model-consistent choice. 请您解释下, 谢谢!
已解决a company’s sustainable growth rate assumes growth through internally generated funds and approximates the average rate at which dividends can grow over a long horizon. 老师您好,请您解释一下,上面说的. Internally generated funds.这个为什么是用内部资金呢?
已解决1. The best way to value private companies in a high growth stage is to use a free cash flow method. 2. Asset-based approaches are best for start-ups. 3. Market-based approaches are best for mature companies. 请老师解释下为什么,谢谢!
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- 第4题 讲义没有讲到,能在详细讲一下吗