题目有段描述: "Some of Morgan’s work involves making investment recommendations based on his economic forecasts. Pinnacle’s global economic model has signaled that Italy’s economy, which is currently in a recession, will show signs of improvement in the coming months. He is considering the following recommendations for investors in the Italian markets: Implement a trade that will steepen the yield curve now and prepare to rotate from small-cap stocks into large-cap stocks and from value stocks into growth stocks over the next several months." 题目是: Q. Morgan’s investment recommendations are most likely appropriate regarding: A. the recommended yield curve trade. B. growth versus value stocks. C. large-cap versus small-cap stocks. 字数超过了, 老师请看下一个问题
已回答老师您好,第一张图片是apt模型的数据表,第二张图片是宏观要素模型的数据表。 我的问题是。 表格中的第二列都是expected return ...那么上课的时候老师说expected return在apt中是真实收益率,但是在第二张图中好像又是指的是预期收益率或者期望? 请老师对着两个模型的公式分别给我说一下,这到底是对应真实收益率还是预期收益,谢谢。
- CDS的long和short是不是反过来的?就是long CDS代表看涨目标公司credit,所以是卖出一份CDS合约?
- 很迷惑到底是long call+ short stock还是long stock+short call构建无风险资产
- 为啥accrued interest over contract life是0?
- 这道题可不可以用算出来的fpa除以0.9算出的价格和125比较,得出的差额是套利的利润?
- 老師您好,Q1關於future price不太理解
- 不太明白为什么AI0 20 加上后 后面AIT 是减50, 为什么要重复计算0~T=2 这段的coupon?
- 这个1.0028的单位是什么 老师说“每一块钱SF的现值” 如果是*1.12 就是期初先 euro 转 sf 然后 期末再 /1.1 就是 sf 转 euro ?
- 第4题 讲义没有讲到,能在详细讲一下吗