a portfolio manager enters into a long futures position on the S&P 500 index with a multiplier of 250. 这句话怎么理解,是买了250份contract吗?
查看试题 已回答视频中说Multicollinearity多重共线性特征:t比较小,R^2比较大,能够通过F检验,不能通过t检验;那为何可以通过F检验,而不能通过t检验呢?是否可以举个实际例子,否则很难理解,另外为何t比较小,R^2比较大呢?
查看试题 已回答想问一下 为什么用continues compounding 而且 普通compounding 和连续compounding 差异 不是很大 一般题目中 会给出 那这种没给出的 怎么判断
Based on the fact that the South American utilities sector has seen rapid growth in new service orders, we expect that most companies in the sector will be able to convert the revenue increases into significant profits. We also believe the trend will continue for the next three to five years 基于上面这句话 we expect that most companies in the sector will be able to convert the revenue increases into significant profits, 这个是通过rapid growth in new service orders 得到的,因为rapid growth 所以will be able to convert the revenue increases , 但是并没有任何事实说明这个趋势 the trend will continue for the next three to five years。 这个怎么解释呢?
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- 我怎么感觉这题不太对呢。特别是C/D两个,都是需要股价上去才可能有利,所以逻辑是一样啊,都是做高业绩,但是C反正都遥遥无期,动力没那么足吧。B现在是平值,就差那一把火就能盈利了所以应该最要努力把业绩做起来吧?A也是,你既然都深度实值了,赶紧卖了得了,还做什么风险管理。这题我都不懂
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