Which of the following is a way for companies to adjust their stock of physical capital in a recession? A selling it at fire sale prices. B quickly canceling construction activity. C not maintaining equipment. c选项不维修装备就可以了吗?
查看试题 已回答Which of the following, holding all else constant, will most likely increase the width of the confidence interval for a parameter estimate? A Use of the t-distribution rather than the normal distribution to establish the confidence interval B Increase in the sample size C Reduction in the degree of confidence 降低自由度不是也可以加宽置信区间吗?
查看试题 已回答Use the following values from a student's t-distribution to establish a 95% confidence interval for the population mean given a sample size of 10, a sample mean of 6.25, and a sample standard deviation of 12. Assume that the population from which the sample is drawn is normally distributed and the population variance is not known. The 95% confidence interval is closest to a: A Lower bound of –2.33 and an upper bound of 14.83. B Lower bound of –0.71 and an upper bound of 13.21. C Lower bound of –2.20 and an upper bound of 14.70. 这题为什么选2.262这个系数?为什么选这个自由度?
查看试题 已回答这道题问的是相比较于购买资产,下面哪一项最不可能成为刺激形成一个融资租赁的交易? 而A答案中写的是在租赁的最后,融资租赁的资产回到lessor手中。这是属于经营租赁的特点,不属于融资租赁的特点,所以这道题不是应该选A吗?
- 对于老师讲的这部分,1. 我理解FRA的Payoff始终等于利率期货的Payoff部分进行折现(除以1个大于1的数),也就是说,FRA的Payoff的变动幅度 应该 始终小于利率期货的变动幅度。2. 至于是涨多跌少,还是涨少跌多,其实MRR在分母上,可以根据1/x的曲线特点来理解,无非就是MRR上升时1/(1+MRR)的变动幅度 小于 MRR下降时1/(1+MRR)的变动幅度,所以如果MRR上升时,Payoff是上升的,那么就是涨少跌多,如果MRR上升时,Payoff是下降的,那就是涨多跌少。以上2点,我理解的对吗?
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- 为什么B选项要考虑借股还股?而A选项没有考虑借钱买然后还钱?可以都不考虑吗?还是借股还股一定要在这个流程中体现?