The following 10 observations are a sample drawn from a normal population: 25, 20, 18, –5, 35, 21, –11, 8, 20, and 9. The fourth quintile (80th percentile) of the sample is closest to: A 24. B 8. C 21. 这题为什么不用(n+1)*80*=8.8,在数第八和第九之间那样做呢?
查看试题 已回答Which of the following industry is most likely to earn economic profits? A Firms in an industry that is characterized by low threat of substitute products and high rivalry among existing competitors. B Firms in an industry that is characterized by high barriers to entry and low bargaining power of buyers. C Firms in an industry that is characterized by high bargaining power of suppliers and low threat of new entrants. 这道题答案是b,有点不理解,对客户没有定价权哪还有超额利润
查看试题 已回答Company AAA issues 10-year bonds on 1 January 2013, the bonds are priced at £107,306 with face value 100,000, market interest rates are 6%, coupon rates are 7%, interest paid annually on 31 December. The carrying value of the bonds as of 31 December 2013 will be closest to: A £5,301,000. B £5,316,000. C £4,695,000. 这题答案给错了吧?
查看试题 已回答Which of the following situation will most likely result in a decrease in a valuation allowance for a deferred tax asset under U.S. GAAP? If: A Tax rates reduce. B The tax loss carry-forward period extends over a period of time C Interest rates decrease 这道题在考察什么?
查看试题 已回答精品问答
- 对于老师讲的这部分,1. 我理解FRA的Payoff始终等于利率期货的Payoff部分进行折现(除以1个大于1的数),也就是说,FRA的Payoff的变动幅度 应该 始终小于利率期货的变动幅度。2. 至于是涨多跌少,还是涨少跌多,其实MRR在分母上,可以根据1/x的曲线特点来理解,无非就是MRR上升时1/(1+MRR)的变动幅度 小于 MRR下降时1/(1+MRR)的变动幅度,所以如果MRR上升时,Payoff是上升的,那么就是涨少跌多,如果MRR上升时,Payoff是下降的,那就是涨多跌少。以上2点,我理解的对吗?
- 不懂这里为什么新固定利息与老固定利息的差值折现到1时刻就是1时刻的value,为什么只考虑下半边支出的部分,不考虑付息收到的部分
- 如果IC和CAL线的切点在后半段呢,就是比和有效前沿的切点更高呢,不是后面无风险资产权重为0吗,为什么说一定有无风险资产呢
- 为什么不是C选项呢?credit risk是由于借款人违约未能偿还而使债权人遭受损失的风险;solvency risk是由于自己财务状况不佳而无法偿还到期债务的风险。二者紧密相连
- 那么股票的公允价值是不是交易价格? 既不和市场价值一样,也不和账面价值一样?
- 场内和场外OTC市场 与 公募和私募 是一样的吗? 那么一级市场和二级市场是不是都有场内和场外一说?
- 问下, Cryptocurrencies加密货币 与 Tokens代币 都是数字资产,那么区别本质是什么
- 为什么B选项要考虑借股还股?而A选项没有考虑借钱买然后还钱?可以都不考虑吗?还是借股还股一定要在这个流程中体现?