老师您好,看原版书中,遇到一些段落不知该如何理解,烦请老师讲一下其中的一些要领 1 But in complex portfolios of interest-rate sensitive assets, many different kinds of exposure can arise from differences in the maturities and reset dates of instruments and cash flows that are assetlike (i.e„ 'longs') and those that are liability-like (i.e., “shorts”). 2 In particular, “curve” risk can arise in portfolios in which long and short positions of different maturities are effectively hedged against a parallel shift in yields, but not against a change in the shape of the yield curve. 3 Default risk corresponds to the debtor's incapacity or refusal to meet his/her debt obligations, whether interest or principal payments on the loan contracted, by more than a reasonable relief period from the due date, which is usually 60 days in the banking industry.
- 请问selection bias 与 self-selection bias 有什么区别?我看到一个老师回复的是:不同个体选择样本不同,这就是自选择偏差,是不同个体本身固有的差异。请问这里的不同个体是指不同的人吗?
- 请问,求组合标准差需要乘以权重,但是组合var,不需要权重,想不明白?麻烦仔细讲下
- 这里的cash 中性是只需要CAPM中的benchmark=0?还是这个benchmark怎么样?什么叫阿尔法不会产生active cash position?CAPM中阿尔法并不在基准中啊?
- 老师,这里benchmark的中性化,三个回归是什么逻辑?
- 最后一行的对比是啥意思,老师展开解释一下。增量收费和FRTB定义差异
- 为什么这里横纵坐标相加不等于1
- 欧几里得距离是干什么的?这个具体是什么内容,可以详细解释一下吗?是在哪一章的什么知识点?
- PCA解释因子的计算是什么公式?P C有什么性质可以详细解释一下吗?