刘同学2019-06-10 10:00:56
能麻烦老师告知下 gross of fee 和net of fee的区别吗 各包含了哪些费用 谢谢!
Chris Lan2019-06-10 14:49:34
gross of fee应该扣除trading expense,但是其它的都是不扣除的,
如果是net of fee应该是扣除trading expense和management fees。
The GIPS Glossary defines the gross-of-fees return as the return on investments reduced by any trading expenses incurred during the period and the net-of-fees return as the gross-of-fees return reduced by the investment management fees (including performance-based fees and carried interest)
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请问custodian fee是不包含在gross 和net fee里的吗 就是net fee 也没有扣除custodian fee
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同学你好,这是托管费的定义,他应该是每笔交易都收的,但是他不能算trading expense。
一般是算在administrative fees里面的。
The fees payable to the custodian for the safe-keeping of portfolio assets. Custody fees are considered to be administrative fees and typically contain an asset-based portion and a transaction-based portion. The custody fee may also include charges for additional services, including accounting, securities lending, and/or performance measurement. Custodial fees that are charged per transaction should be included in the custody fee and not included as part of trading expenses.