frr07172018-03-02 15:26:32
题目有段描述: "Some of Morgan’s work involves making investment recommendations based on his economic forecasts. Pinnacle’s global economic model has signaled that Italy’s economy, which is currently in a recession, will show signs of improvement in the coming months. He is considering the following recommendations for investors in the Italian markets: Implement a trade that will steepen the yield curve now and prepare to rotate from small-cap stocks into large-cap stocks and from value stocks into growth stocks over the next several months." 题目是: Q. Morgan’s investment recommendations are most likely appropriate regarding: A. the recommended yield curve trade. B. growth versus value stocks. C. large-cap versus small-cap stocks. 字数超过了, 老师请看下一个问题
Vincent2018-03-20 17:58:02
同学, 能把原题贴上来看下吗,或则说下书的页码,我们需要看下上下文。
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